How to Support your Child in their Transition to Middle School 

Helping our children feel supported through these changes through preparation, planning, and open communication can make these changes feel much more manageable….

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Erica Kokoszka, LAMFT
Cultivating Secure Sibling Relationships

Let’s explore some strategies for navigating sibling rivalry and fostering healthy, lasting relationships between siblings….

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Anavi Sharma, LSW
3 Myths to Debunk about Emotions

Let's debunk some of the most common myths clients have about emotions….

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Virgdant Breton, LSW
How to Manage your Family’s Screen Time this Summer

Continued research has demonstrated the potential negative impacts of long-term/chronic screen time.…

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Erica Kokoszka, LAMFT
5 Tips for Handling the Transition to Summer as a Parent

The end of the school year can be a challenging adjustment for kids. Their days change from being structured by the school day and extra- curricular activities to having several hours of free time every day….

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Frankki Sorce, LPC
3 Reasons Why Your Child Should be Outside this Summer

With the warmer months ahead and summer in full swing, there are many benefits to encouraging your child to play outside. As a parent, modeling outdoor activity will show your child that they have a world full of fun….

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Nicole Silverman, LSW
Ways to Develop More Structure for Your Family Outside of School

Outside of school, on weekends, holidays, or during summer break, it can be difficult to decide how to fill up the extra time in our children’s days. Adding structure to our days can help to establish clearer expectations, promote more independence, and reduce behavior difficulties.

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Erica Kokoszka, LAMFT
Step by Step Ways to Prepare as a Family for Sleep Away Camp

Sending your child away to sleep away camp for the summer can be fun and exciting, and also quite stressful for the whole family if you don’t have the necessary tools to help you with the process. Sleep away camp provides many benefits; helping the child develop autonomy and more independence in their everyday life. The transition from school and staying at home to going to a sleep away camp is a big change for both the family and the attending child(ren). To help parents and families navigate this change, here are some tips broken down by step-by-step.

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Anavi Sharma, LSW
The Importance of Continuing Therapy Over the Summer

With school coming to an end and the excitement of summer being around the corner, the importance of maintaining therapy sessions may not be the first thing on a parent's mind. Of course, every child is different, however, for many children and families, the summer months can be a crucial time to continue their therapeutic journey! In this post, we will explore why the summer sessions matter and how they are just as essential as those during the school year. 

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Anavi Sharma, LSW
Myths About Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are complicated and layered conditions. There are many beliefs about eating disorders that simply aren’t true and some aspects about eating disorders that are commonly misunderstood. It is important to have an accurate general knowledge about eating disorders in order to seek the appropriate support.

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Frankki Sorce, LPC
What is your Emotional Temperature and Why it Matters

Emotional temperature is a tool you can use to help you understand your feelings and more easily identify the need to implement skills to prevent yourself from reaching an extreme emotion. Your emotional temperature can be assessed using a typical thermometer and can look different from person to person. The colors and numbers can be used to indicate the level or intensity of your emotions. Ideally you would get in the habit of checking your emotional temperature several times a day. Your goal is to stay in the lower half of the thermometer as often as possible to effectively manage and be able to reach your goals.

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Virgdant Breton, LSW
Using DBT Distress Tolerance Skills: Spring Edition

Wise Mind ACCEPTS is an acronym for different skills we can use during times of distress, anxiety, worry, and/or high emotional temperature. ACCEPTS can help us to temporarily distract ourselves from our stressors so that we can better cope with them from a more regulated space, especially if the situation can’t be made better right away and we don’t have to make things worse. Below are some different ideas for how this Skill can be used With the warmer weather approaching:

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Erica Kokoszka, LAMFT
Helping Your Child Navigate the Balance of School and Extra Curricular Activities

Balancing extracurricular activities with homework can be challenging for many children, which may increase stress levels and the feeling of being overwhelmed. As parents, we can help support them in many ways to help create a balanced mindset and help them succeed in all aspects of their lives - here are three ways to help jumpstart this process!

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Anavi Sharma, LSW
3 Ways Journaling Can Help Your Anxiety

If you find yourself dealing with anxious thoughts and not having a place to let them out or process them, journaling can be an effective way of managing those negative thoughts. When anxiety is stored in our bodies, it can create tension and increase cortisol levels which in turn, can have a negative impact on the way that we cope. One very useful tool in helping managing the anxious thoughts while providing relief is journaling. Below are three great benefits on how journaling can help with anxiety:

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Nicole Silverman, LSW
How Should I Feel When My Kids Grow Up?

Parenting is an extremely important job, yet it does not come with protocols to handle the responsibilities that come along with it. There is no mandatory training course to help prepare for a day in the life of being a parent or for the unavoidable challenges that come with parenting. Parents are simply doing their best to support their children.

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Frankki Sorce, LPC
Why Feeling Your Emotions is so Important

You may sometimes wonder why you feel a certain way at one moment and then experience a completely different feeling just a few minutes later. We experience a range of emotions on a daily basis, and they are all important in their own way. The big question is: why?

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Brittany Ruane, LCSW
Validation: A Universal Language

“You’re just not listening to me!” your adolescent child yells at you for the third time today as you try hard to prove to them that you are. You’re not on your phone, you’re not washing the dishes, you’re doing your best to be present and even give them the eye contact you think they want as you lean over the kitchen counter staring at their disappointed demeanor. “You just don’t get it!” they say, as they storm off into their room and once again you can’t resolve the topic of the conversation. 

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Virgdant Breton, LSW
The Importance of Self-Care

In a world with a lot of stress and daily expectations, it’s important to add a self-care routine to your schedule to help you manage your stress. It’s easy to continue to go through day to day life without thinking about yourself or giving time to yourself and your own needs. The idea of self-care looks different for everyone- whether thats just simply spending time alone or getting a massage. Self-care is the idea that you’re taking care of yourself so that you can be the healthiest version of yourself. Self-care is individualized and tailored to what makes YOU happy and brings you the most peace.

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Nicole Silverman, LSW
Why Change is so Difficult

Change can be both positive and negative depending on the circumstances. Sometimes life unexpectedly changes. Naturally, this can be extremely uncomfortable. Acceptance and adjustment are both challenges that come with change. It is understandable that unexpected and negative life changes are difficult, but it can feel confusing that positive life changes can be equally as difficult to initiate and adjust to.

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Frankki Sorce, LPC
Debunking Myths About Therapy

In a world increasingly valuing mental health, it's time to clear the fog surrounding common misconceptions about therapy. Understanding the truth is the first step toward a brighter, more resilient, and mentally healthy future.

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Lauren Broadwell