Now is a great time to join a DBT Skills Group in order to:

  • Connect to peers

  • Receive extra support from therapists and people experiencing similar circumstances and distress

  • Learn effective strategies for managing the emotions and urges you’ve been managing prior to social distancing

  • Increase your toolbox to manage the effects of social distancing and the current pandemic including transitioning to a new format for school, limited social contact, being at home with family and friends, potential job loss, etc.

  • Focus on solutions rather than problems. Focus on what you can do rather than what you don’t have. In DBT terms, we call this Mastery.

DBT is short for Dialectical Behavior Therapy.  DBT Skills are effective because they are concrete tools and strategies that any person can learn to utilize. Many people are under the mistaken belief that DBT is just for people with serious mental health struggles or with a diagnosed personality disorder. This is NOT the case!

DBT skills can help ANY person who struggles with coping skills, emotion regulation or interpersonal connection!

At Mindsoother, we offer DBT Skills Training in a variety of formats such as:

  • Individual DBT Skills Training

  • Group DBT Skills Training

  • Family DBT Skills Training

DBT is effective because clients who are engaged in this type of therapy typically have multiple problems that require attention plus a lack of skill in at least several of these problem areas. In DBT, the therapist uses a hierarchy of treatment targets to determine the order in which problems should be addressed. 

Over the years, we have observed a decrease in the symptoms of our clients who add some sort of DBT Skills to their toolbox.  The skills are effective in helping people feel like there are more options in emotional situations and that they can be successful in understanding which skill would work for a situation and how to use it.

Clients that have attended our DBT Skills Training Groups or sessions report that the clear and concrete tools they have learned have been extremely helpful in reducing tension, chaos and arguments in their families, plus has offered them strategies that they actually use to manage emotions and urges - not just learn in the office and leave at the door.

Come learn the skills that you definitely didn't learn in school and might not have been taught in your family or experienced throughout your life as of yet.  Our DBT Skills training curriculum for individuals and families is customized to meet your individual needs.

DBT is extremely effective in helping teens find value and motivation in their lives. It helps teens find meaning and cope WHILE managing difficult emotions and pain.

Here's a checklist to know if DBT is right for your teen:

DBT right for your teen.jpg