Self Care Checklist for Parents and Kids

Do you feel like you don’t have time for self care? Many people feel that way because their definition of self care is like a fantasy. Many of us wonder, how do we set aside three hours to run a hot bath and read our favorite book? This idealistic vision of self care leads many people to believe that self care is unattainable, or that they just can’t make time for it. Luckily, self care is much easier to incorporate into your routine than you’d expect! Let’s figure out what self care really is, and how you can make it part of your day-to-day with a simple checklist…

What is self care after all?
Self care is when you prioritize your own health. It’s not a practice out of indulgence—it’s out of necessity. Self care involves taking care of your physical and mental health by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, acknowledging when you’re not feeling well, and caring for yourself in order to feel better. Think of self-care like the emergency instructions on a flight. They say that in case of an emergency, put your oxygen mask on first; then, you can help your child with their mask. You can’t aid your child in this situation unless you are breathing properly and fit to do so. The same goes for self care! You must prioritize your health in order to feel well enough to help others.

When you’re not feeling well, you may already be feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. This can make it hard to determine what you should do to care for yourself. Luckily, there’s a DBT skill that can help! The PLEASE skill is a great way to check in with yourself and ensure that your basic needs are being met. It can also help you establish a self care routine.

Look at the PLEASE acronym below like a daily self care checklist:

Treat Physical ILlness - When you feel run down or sick, allow your body time to rest and recover. This might include taking medications prescribed by your doctor or daily vitamins. It is important to pay attention to what your body is telling you. If you feel sick, seek medical care.

Eating - Make sure that you are nourishing your body with balanced eating habits. Try to incorporate a mix of protein, fruits and vegetables, fats, and carbs into your meals. Notice how you feel after eating a portion of food before grabbing seconds or an extra snack.

Avoid Mood Altering Drugs - Limit substances like caffeine, sugar, drugs, and alcohol.

Sleep - Be sure to consistently get enough sleep; 7-9 hours is recommended for most people. Do your best to stick to a regular wake-up and bedtime schedule to get a good night’s rest.

Exercise - Stay physically active while listening to your body when it needs rest. 20 to 30 minutes of daily exercise is ideal. Plus, exercise releases natural mood-boosting chemicals and provides a healthy outlet to expend excess energy or frustration. If you do not exercise regularly at the moment, start small and work up to the full 20 minutes over time.

Self care is all about taking care of our bodies and minds. We don’t have to go to the spa or on a luxury vacation to make time for our well being. A 20 minute walk, a nourishing meal, or a good night’s rest may be all we need to feel better. The PLEASE skill is a great checklist to help us ensure our self care needs are being met. Set an example for your kids by modeling healthy self care habits. You can even teach them the PLEASE skill so they understand the importance of prioritizing their health. By incorporating healthy self care habits from a young age, focusing on their mental, emotional, and physical well being will become second nature over time.

Frankki Sorce, LPC