Easy Self Care Ideas to Relax and Recuperate After a Busy Year
Self-care is important for our mind and bodies. It allows us to take a break from the stress of daily life and fully focus on ourselves and what we need to decompress. There are many ways to practice self-care but when you are in a moment of stress or anxiety it can be hard to remember them. Here are some simple trips and tricks to help you find a self care method that works for you!
Practice Deep Breathing
Taking a deep breath is always a good idea to calm your body and mind. If you’re looking for a specific technique, try “box breathing.” Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, and hold for 4 seconds. There are visualizations you can look up online that follow this pattern in the shape of a square or “box.”
Listen to Music
Listening to music is a great way to engage your mind and practice mindfulness and self care. Most people picture listening to acoustic or instrumental music to calm you down, and while this can be helpful, self care is all about doing something YOU enjoy. If you like rock or EDM or something more fast paced, feel free to try listening to this as well! It’s all about doing an activity you enjoy and makes you feel good!
Take a Nap
This is especially true if you feel you didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Its important to aim for your 8 hours a night and if you miss the mark, try a quick nap to give you some energy and a moment to relax.
Exercise or Go for Walk
It’s been proven that exercise increases endorphins which raises dopamine. Try engaging in any exercise that feels good to you! This could be relaxing like yoga or a walk, or it could be more intense like a HIIT workout or a run. Do what makes your body feel good!
These are just some typical ways that make our bodies feel good but there are countless ways to practice self care. Here are more simple ways if you need more ideas:
Read a book
Listen to a podcast
Drink a cup of tea or coffee
Get a manicure
Cook a meal
Learn a new skill
Watch your favorite sitcom and let yourself laugh out loud
Go to a movie theater by yourself
Take a bath
Go swimming
Take a dance class
Go camping
As long as you’re doing something you enjoy, it counts as self care! Try a new activity this week and expand your self care routine!