Spot the Early Warning Signs of a Manic Episode

Mania is when a person display signs of extremely high energy levels, mood, or behavior. Mania can look different for everyone, but there are some common symptoms that may help you identify when a manic episode might be coming on. It’s important to look out for these symptoms so you can understand your own trigger warnings and to recognize when you may need to take more preventative measures or practice self-care. Do you feel like you may be having a manic episode? Here are some common symptoms to watch out for…

Decreased need for sleep -
If you’re finding that you only need 4 of your regular 8 hours of sleep, or that you no longer need sleep at all (and you don’t miss that sleep), it could be an indication of mania. Mania can feel like adrenaline through the body. So if you find yourself up in the middle of the night with a huge amount of energy, it might be time to analyze your sleeping patterns and see if you exhibit any other warning signs. Lack of sleep can also be a huge trigger for manic episodes for people with bipolar disorder, so making sure you’re following a sleep routine is key.

Reckless spending -
Mania can cause a person to make reckless decisions. Most people think of this as signing up for a skydiving class or a marathon with no plan, but actually being “reckless” can be more subdued than you think. Some people tend to overspend when they are feeling manic. If you’re making large purchases that you don’t really need, it could be a warning sign. No one is saying every scratch-off or big-ticket purchase hints at mania, but if you are feeling extra “spendy” lately, check in with yourself and see if this is accompanied by any other manic symptoms. If it is, maybe don’t buy that new smartphone right now. 

Irritability  -
When most people think of mania, they think of euphoria and having high self-confidence. However, irritability can be a symptom of mania too. If you find yourself snapping at your family, or quick to anger in seemingly small situations, you may want to look out for other manic symptoms. Just recognizing that you are irritable may help you reign in your emotions and take that deep breath before responding. 

Talking extremely fast and frequently -
Some people naturally talk fast and are easily excitable. This symptom on its own does not necessarily mean you should worry. However, if talking fast and often is out of the norm for you, or you find yourself talking so fast that you trip over your words, it may be time to do a self-reflection. Mania can make your brain think extremely fast—faster than you are actually able to speak. If you feel your words can never catch up to your thoughts, take a deep breath and maybe see if there are other symptoms accompanying this. 

The symptoms above are not the only indications of a manic episode, but they are some that go overlooked. If you’re trying to determine whether you’re experiencing mania, reflect on how you’re feeling carefully and know that you are not alone to look out for when trying to identify a manic episode, but they are some that go overlooked. Your family, friends, doctor, and therapist are here for you. Reach out to them for support as you see fit so that you can get through this challenging time.

Lauren Broadwell