How to Manage COVID Burnout

Are you struggling with the demands of the ongoing pandemic? Do changing guidelines, reinstated mandates, and other COVID updates have your head spinning? Well, you aren’t alone. With new cases of COVID causing closures and limiting travel once again, it may feel as if your emotional reserves are running out of gas. In fact, you may be dealing with COVID burnout. Here are some tips to help you stay afloat during this challenging time…

Know the signs
Burnout is a physical and emotional exhaustion from prolonged stress in our lives. Burnout can be caused by a number of stressors, including work, family, or in this case, the pandemic. There are days when you may feel overwhelmed; however, if you are experiencing these signs more days than not you may be burned out. Signs of COVID burnout include:

  • Higher levels of anxiety when around those who are unmasked

  • Loss of motivation in following mask mandates 

  • Feelings of helplessness and uncertainty about the future 

  • Physical fatigue

  • Easily becoming irritable with others

  • Isolating from others and feeling disconnected

Manage burnout
Do a self-check of your priorities –
When feeling emotionally drained, it’s good to pause and examine what your priorities are. Limit social media and COVID news to uncloud your mind and focus on what is important to you. Are there activities you enjoyed before that you have been neglecting? How well are you balancing work and personal life? Make a list of goals for yourself with at least two actions that you can do to get closer to attaining those goals. Writing them down will help you stay accountable. 

Evaluate your support network and lean in –
When you’re feeling burned out, the future can feel hopeless and activities can seem insurmountable.  Seeking connection with others is a helpful way to combat these feelings. Use this time to strengthen your relationships that are important to you. Limit relationships that are causing anxiety or a generally negative impact on your life. Follow restrictions and guidelines on gatherings related to COVID and make the best decisions that fit your family’s needs and safety.

Strengthen your resilience –
Taking care of yourself physically and mentally can improve your resilience as you navigate difficult situations, including burnout. Strengthen your physical health through exercise and fueling your body with healthy foods. Finding new ways to move your body with exercise can be a great activity to engage yourself on this journey. In addition, mindfulness practice and breathing exercises are wonderful ways to tackle feelings of anxiety and bring increased calmness into your life.   

Seek support if needed
Burnout from COVID or work is real and can take its toll on your mind and body. If you still find yourself struggling with these symptoms without relief, it's important to seek professional help. One-on-one guidance can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel and overcome daunting difficulties. 

Whether you are feeling COVID burnout or not, taking the time to practice these self-care tips can be helpful in managing not only the demands of the pandemic but also everyday stressors in your life. Start the year off right and prioritize yourself!  

Kathy Hui, MSW